From Nausea to Mood Changes: Understanding Pregnancy Symptoms - ONTECHAPPS

From Nausea to Mood Changes: Understanding Pregnancy Symptoms

Por: Marcela

Missed period, morning sickness, or perhaps strange cravings for certain foods?


This could be a sign that the stork is carrying a little baby around! When a woman is pregnant, from the first few weeks, pregnancy symptoms begin to appear.

From the dreaded nausea to the emotional ups and downs that can leave anyone’s head spinning, pregnancy is a journey full of signs and symptoms that vary from woman to woman and from pregnancy to pregnancy.


In this text, we will dive deep into this journey full of challenges and emotions. So, keep reading and learn to recognize the signals that your body may be sending you!

Morning Sickness: Why It Happens and How to Deal With It

The morning sickness is one of the first pregnancy symptoms, and by the way, one of the most uncomfortable. But why do they happen?

This nausea is caused by a combination of hormonal factors, including increased levels of hCG (the famous pregnancy hormone) and estrogen, as well as changes in the digestive system.

To deal with these undesirable nausea, you can adopt different strategies, such as eat small frequent meals throughout the day, avoid fatty and spicy foods, among others.

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Mood Changes During Pregnancy

Mood changes during pregnancy are due to hormonal fluctuations, stress and worries related to pregnancy and the arrival of the baby. A woman can feel immensely happy and joyful, and in the blink of an eye be anxious, sad and irritated. For people nearby it can be a bit complicated.

That’s why it’s so important to have emotional support from family, friends, and even mental health professionals, if necessary.

Fatigue and Drowsiness: Common Symptoms in the First Trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, fatigue and drowsiness are very common pregnancy symptoms, which are mainly due to hormonal changes and the increase in the body’s energy demands.

During pregnancy it is important that women understand the need to rest and sleep adequately whenever possible. Short naps, light exercise and a balanced diet can help combat fatigue and drowsiness.

Breast tenderness and other body changes

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, the future mother may experience greater sensitivity in her breasts, as well as a different color in the areolas. All of this is due to the increased blood flow in the region and preparation for breastfeeding.

Other bodily changes also occur, such as stretch marks, dark spots and an increase in the size of the abdomen. These changes are completely normal and are part of the pregnancy process.

Gastrointestinal Discomforts: Nausea, Vomiting and Heartburn

These pregnancy symptoms can vary from one woman to another, even from one pregnancy to another. Some pregnant women feel it with greater intensity, while in other cases, these symptoms do not appear at all. Lucky them!

This type of discomfort can be triggered by certain foods, odors, among others. It is important to mention that if these symptoms are persistent, it is important to consult your doctor.

Food Aversions and Development of Strange Cravings

It’s no secret that during pregnancy some women develop somewhat peculiar desires. Therefore, cravings for unusual or very specific foods can arise at any time.

Likewise, there may be an aversion to foods that were eaten with pleasure before pregnancy, and can now become completely repulsive. Even though it may seem strange, this is all normal and is due to increased sensitivity to odors and tastes.

Dizziness and Vertigo: Symptoms That May Accompany Pregnancy

Normally, this type of pregnancy symptoms are not talked about much, but they can occur when getting up quickly or remaining standing for a long time. This can happen due to changes in blood pressure, increased blood volume and hormonal changes.

To prevent this from happening, the most recommended thing is not to stand for prolonged periods, make slow movements when getting up and always stay hydrated.

Variations in Appetite and Weight: What is Normal?

Throughout pregnancy, it is normal for women to experience variations in both their appetite and weight, mainly due to the hormonal changes the body is going through and the body’s needs.

Contrary to what many people think, some women may experience a decreased appetite during pregnancy. However, it must be monitored by the doctor, as in most cases the appetite tends to increase throughout the journey.

Likewise, gaining weight is healthy and expected, but it must be gradual and supervised by a specialist.


Understanding Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms or Other Medical Conditions? When to See a Doctor

In addition to knowing how to recognize the pregnancy symptoms, it is important that you know that some of them are quite similar to those that usually appear during PMS (Premenstrual Tension), which can lead to confusion.

Likewise, during pregnancy, if a woman experiences symptoms such as severe headaches, blurred vision, sudden swelling, difficulty urinating, etc., she should consult her trusted doctor immediately to rule out any irregularities.

And remember, if you have any doubts or concerns, make a medical appointment as soon as possible.

Posted and reviewed Marcela Well-being on 12/02/24
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